Friday, February 1, 2013

Beautiful Creatures Manga

Hello hello! Did I ever mention here in Blogger that my favorite YA Series is The Caster Chronicles? Oh, no? :( I've been waiting for the manga version and finally, they uploaded a few pages in Facebook already! I don't read manga. Hate it, actually. But heeeey, this is Beautiful Creatures! Anyway, here are some pages that they uploaded..

 Cover is beautiful, right?

I'm really really really excited to get a copy! I hope they won't release it here (Philippines) too late. :( Anyway, I'm just glad that Beautiful Creatures has manga... and a movie too! And that reminds me, I'm going to post a Beautiful Creatures Special Post! Haha! I'm serious, okay? :) 

If you want clear photos, go to the Beautiful Creatures Facebook page

Xx, AC